Top 5 Natural Health Supplements for Women
A woman’s body functions differently than a man’s and has its own unique physiology. So, it should come as no surprise that the supplements they take can differ from the ones in her boyfriend’s gym bag and be unique to their individual needs.
While supplements are no magic bullet or quick fix to all of your fitness goals, they can offer about a 10-15% advantage in your overall journey when everything else is on point. Customizing your supplement stack based on gender differences in hormones just makes sense. Here are my top 5 supplements that I would routinely recommend to my female clients to assist in helping them reach their health, fitness and body goals.

1. Estrogen Balance

  Women’s bodies produce significantly higher levels of estrogen which is great for things like preventing bone loss and promoting healthy cholesterol levels, but it can present a slight challenge for those looking to obtain an ultra-lean and sculpted physique. If estrogen levels are on the higher side, women will typically store a little more fat and water and not look as hard and defined as they could.
The key is not to eliminate estrogen. It’s to achieve optimal hormone balance so you can enjoy the positive health benefits without the barrier to achieving your ideal physique goals.  There are some natural supplements that can help to balance estrogen including things like:
  • Calcium-d-glucarate
  • Dim
  • Green tea extract
  • Resveratrol

You can purchase most of these ingredients individually or you can pick up a formula that contains most of them such as ATP Lab Estro Control.

2. Mood Boosting

Differences in hormones and changes in neurotransmitter balance can also account for fluctuations in mood from day to day that can be problematic for some women that are possibly predisposed to changes in temperament. In other words, it may not be your fault you find your moods frequently changing and you find yourself falling into temporary periods of anxiety or mild depression.
While any ongoing and serious changes in mental state should always be addressed by a doctor, if symptoms are minor and infrequent - there are some natural supplements that can potentially help to normalize and even boost mood patterns.
  • L-Tyrosine
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • L-Theanine
  • 5-HTP
  • GABA
  • DMAE
  For this category of supplements, it’s not recommended to stack them all because they might not work synergistically in a beneficial way for you. Do your research and test out individual ingredients to figure out what seems to work best for you and your body’s chemistry.

3. Hair, Skin, Nails

Although there are always some exceptions, women tend to put a little more care into looking after these things compared to the average man so I’m including it in my Top 5. With the clients that I coach for competitions, the process of dieting down and training daily to achieve low bodyfat levels can be taxing on the body, especially during the final phase.
Maintaining the health of the hair, skin and overall youthful looking appearance is absolutely critical for presentation on the day of the show because it is a factor judges will consider – consciously or subconsciously. So, whether you’re prepping for the stage or just to look fit and beautiful every day, here are some supplements that can help keep you looking beautiful during the day while you’re beast-moding it every night at the gym.
  • Hydrolyzed collagen
  • Vitamin C
  • Gotu kola
  • Vitamin D
  • Essential Fatty Acids (blend)
  • Vitamin A

Some products that contain several of these ingredients are Nature’s Bounty Optimal Solutions Hair, Skin & Nails and Collagenik by ATP Lab.

4. Daily Detox

For one reason or another, women just tend to gravitate towards this category of supplements. It could be that they value overall health slightly more than the average male, or maybe they just want to feel better about the last cheat meal they indulged in. Either way, working a daily detox into your routine can’t hurt – in fact it can go a long way in establishing and maintaining overall health and wellness. Here are some of my favorite body detoxifying supplements that I recommend to clients looking to create a balanced morning detox routine.
  • Greens i.e. spirulina, chorella, chlorophyll.
  • Milk thistle
  • Probiotics
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Parsley
  • Lemon
  • N-acetyl cysteine (NAC)
  • Fiber (i.e. ground chia)
  It’s safe to stack several of these ingredients together as they are working through different mechanisms such as establishing pH balance, cleansing the liver or kidneys, acting as an anti-oxidant and improving digestive processes. Most will find it enjoyable to create their own custom morning detox routine.

5. Stress / Cortisol Control

  Both men and women are susceptible to the effects of stress but this category is so important for overall health as well as achieving your physique goals that it warrants a spot in the top 5.
In a chronically stressed client, with elevated levels of circulating cortisol, the body is essentially working against you – holding onto bodyfat, limiting lean muscle growth and negatively impacting several other key systems of the body including digestion and nutrient absorption. This can be extremely frustrating for anyone seeking to obtain that stage or photo-shoot ready look when they’re otherwise working their butts off in the gym and following their diet.
There are some supplements that can act to off-set cortisol and/or make the body less susceptible to the effects of stress so you manage daily stresses more effectively – whether it’s that high intensity new class you signed up for at the gym or the recent assignment from your boss that’s due yesterday.
  • Phosphatidylserine (PS)
  • B-Vitamins
  • Magnesium
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Astragalus root

You can look to pick up these ingredients individually, or you can go with a formula that contains most of them such as something like Adrenergik by ATP Labs.   There you have it – the Top 5 Natural Health Supplements for Women. Always do some of your own research before starting on any new supplement and introduce new variables gradually to assess their individual effects.

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