Everybody steps on to the gym floor expecting to make some progress. What many people do not consider is that training breaks down the body and temporarily makes it inflamed. This is the result we want because it is during the recovery process that we see all the physiological improvements. It is also where strategic supplementation can be truly beneficial to support your efforts. Let’s explore the top three ways that ATP’s IBCAA supplements can benefit hard-training athletes.
Protein synthesis is the body’s upregulation of the genetic activity that produces new muscle tissue. We want to promote this process during resistance training because it leads the body to recognize the signal (exercise stress) to stimulate protein synthesis. But exercise is only half the equation. We also want an amino acid called leucine. The key regulator of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle, leucine “flips on the switch.” During hard training, the body actually burns a little leucine for energy as this amino acid is highly concentrated in the muscle tissue. Supplementing with free-form leucine, which is the principal amino acid in IBCAA, is an optimal solution in training because it raises leucine levels in the blood, which in turn promote an increase in muscle mass.
Similar to increasing protein synthesis, IBCAA spares muscle during a period of caloric restriction or long-duration activity. This is because when we don’t eat, there are no incoming amino acids from protein and this lack causes the body to “breakdown” its muscle fiber to supply the key amino acids needed for other processes in the body. This is called catabolic action. A similar action happens during endurance activity when changes in intensity over a long period can breakdown muscle tissue as part of the cellular energy supply process. Excessive catabolic activity will reduce muscle growth and could result in performance decline in strength and power related events. Therefore, supplementing IBCAA during training is a smart strategy to promote muscle growth.
The digestion of protein can take hours, depending on the source of the protein. Amino acids though are already broken down (protein is actually just a sequence of hundreds to thousands of amino acids). The main advantage here is that our body doesn’t have to wait for the food to digest. Rather, the needed amino acids go right into the blood stream where they can be immediately delivered to the body’s cells. This positively influences the pro-anabolic effects amino acids provide without delay. This is optimal when recovery needs to happen ASAP, like post training or in sports.
When it comes to growth and recovery, it’s hard to beat IBCAA for its well-researched effects in the muscle-building world. Based on the most up-to-date research, BCAA dosage is 150‒200mg by kilogram of body weight. This way, you can personalize your dose and determine the best time for supplementation based upon your activity level.
References https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3141572/ http://jn.nutrition.org/content/136/2/533S.full https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12730426 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15173434
- IBCAA increases protein synthesis
Protein synthesis is the body’s upregulation of the genetic activity that produces new muscle tissue. We want to promote this process during resistance training because it leads the body to recognize the signal (exercise stress) to stimulate protein synthesis. But exercise is only half the equation. We also want an amino acid called leucine. The key regulator of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle, leucine “flips on the switch.” During hard training, the body actually burns a little leucine for energy as this amino acid is highly concentrated in the muscle tissue. Supplementing with free-form leucine, which is the principal amino acid in IBCAA, is an optimal solution in training because it raises leucine levels in the blood, which in turn promote an increase in muscle mass.
- IBCAA reduces catabolic activity
Similar to increasing protein synthesis, IBCAA spares muscle during a period of caloric restriction or long-duration activity. This is because when we don’t eat, there are no incoming amino acids from protein and this lack causes the body to “breakdown” its muscle fiber to supply the key amino acids needed for other processes in the body. This is called catabolic action. A similar action happens during endurance activity when changes in intensity over a long period can breakdown muscle tissue as part of the cellular energy supply process. Excessive catabolic activity will reduce muscle growth and could result in performance decline in strength and power related events. Therefore, supplementing IBCAA during training is a smart strategy to promote muscle growth.

- IBCAA are absorbed directly for fast assimilation
The digestion of protein can take hours, depending on the source of the protein. Amino acids though are already broken down (protein is actually just a sequence of hundreds to thousands of amino acids). The main advantage here is that our body doesn’t have to wait for the food to digest. Rather, the needed amino acids go right into the blood stream where they can be immediately delivered to the body’s cells. This positively influences the pro-anabolic effects amino acids provide without delay. This is optimal when recovery needs to happen ASAP, like post training or in sports.
When it comes to growth and recovery, it’s hard to beat IBCAA for its well-researched effects in the muscle-building world. Based on the most up-to-date research, BCAA dosage is 150‒200mg by kilogram of body weight. This way, you can personalize your dose and determine the best time for supplementation based upon your activity level.

References https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3141572/ http://jn.nutrition.org/content/136/2/533S.full https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12730426 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15173434